
Posts Tagged ‘miscarriage’

I’ve seen so many posts recently on Instagram and Facebook of posts sharing the loss of a child, whether it’s pre-birth, still-birth (born sleeping) or from SIDS and various accidents or illness (an alarming number to cancer).

Each and every one is heart-breaking 🥺😢💔 and I can’t imagine the pain of that loss.

And yet, so often, folks are uncomfortable with listening to or hearing about that loss. They try to change the subject or say things like “oh you can try again ” as if you’ve bought a chicken from Tesco and it’s off…thrown in the trash. That’s such a horrible thing to say “you can try for another one”.

Just listen…loss is loss, no natter at what stage or age, and especially when it’s a baby or child.
It’s not something you ‘get over’. It’s a pain and trauma parents carry for the rest of their lives.

I know of a wee lassie, born sleeping in February; Maisie. I think about her often and about her Mama who is struggling so bravely. She shared her story on Facebook and its had the most incredible response, with people writing Maisie’s name in the sand at the beach and on mountain tops,  right around the world.
A small thing, but of great comfort to her mother. Support from around the world acknowledging that her little girl existed.

It’s also been a real eye-opener, quite shocking really, at how the medical profession, more often than not, are totally cold and uncaring and even brutal in how they manage miscarriage and death of tiny babies.
Some of the stories have reduced me to tears in their stark brutality…at the death of the parents hopes, and dreams. The forever “what ifs”.
This is such a beautiful quote I’d like to share.
I hope folks, especially mothers, can keep this in mind and just listen
It’s important.

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I don’t understand why women who have a miscarriage are not given the proper emotional as well as physical care after. Losing a baby is traumatic. Why the medical profession refer to the baby as tissue to be disposed of is shocking. You ask any woman who has had a scan confirming a pregnancy whether she identifies with it as a baby or viable tissue, evenat 4 weeks…the medical profession need to be more compassionate and change their language. Whether a 4 weeks or 4 months or term, a loss is still a loss and needs to be treated as such. Far too many people take the stance of ‘of well, it happened to us too and we weren’t affected, or we turned out okay, or we managed ok’ – perhaps not. Trauma has a way of presenting itself in many guises and if you had to dig a bit deeper, you’d likely find that there was an effect, one way or another.


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