
Posts Tagged ‘mass extinction’

I 100% agree with Chris Packham, we are not using the right language. It is astonishing that we do live on this planet!! Breakdown. Destroyed. Extermination. He won’t be thanked for this. He will be derided. He will be criticised. He will be accused of doom and destruction. Governments don’t have the courage or determination to change the narrative. They have no will or stomach for it. And capitalism won’t allow it. There are too many countries that are hell-bent on destroying their neighbours, and there are too many destructive dictatorial Governments for us to turn this around. There are a lot of individuals and some organisations that do care, but its like the bat in the programme I was watching on BBC3 a couple of nights ago…’They’ are in the minority and will be overwhelmed. The only way this planet will recover and new species to develop is for humans to become extinct. And so far some individuals and Governments are making good progress on that front.

If you care to watch the brief reel. It’s on Facebook


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I was reading an article on facebook recently about the next mass extinction of species on planet earth. I did some further research and found these articles:


“It was behaviorally modern humans, with their ultrasocial behaviors and complex societies that spread across the Earth, became increasingly larger scale societies, ultimately gaining the capacity to transform the entire Earth. Technology is not the driver of Earth system change – social change is the cause of this.”


“Animal populations plummeted by 58 per cent between 1970 and 2012, with losses on track to reach 67 per cent over the next three years.”


“From penguins in Antarctica, to butterflies in Spain, and rodents and coral in the Great Barrier Reef, as the world warms these species are disappearing”.

I believe it’ll not change unless humans have a massive wake up call. The reality is that there are too many people on the planet with no signs of slowing down; as of 2013 7.125 billion. There are millions of people struggling to survive, people for whom a few dollars make all the difference between going hungry or feeding their families, so when someone comes along and offers them money to kill or capture wild animals….

There are the people living in abject poverty who are only looking for the next meal and will do anything to get money to feed their families….they don’t care if the species will become extinct.

And then there’s the mid-range population with their demands for all the comforts and luxuries of consumerism…..the throw away group who buy discard buy discard buy discard without any regard for the planet and what their junk is doing to the space where animal/insect/amphibian/plant species depend on to survive.

Then we have the super rich who are either wild-life hunters or believe that the bones or skin or testicles or heart or whatever is good mojo for enhanced sexual virility or just to show off that they have ‘enough’ money to get whatever they want.

Then we have #45 who is shutting down the EPA and opening up previously protected land for his wealthy greedy buddies to drill for oil or gas or whatever….which we use on a daily basis in our lives of consumerism. The only thing that will save this planet is the mass extinction of the human race.

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