
Posts Tagged ‘a walk through Highgate Village’

Yesterday I went for a walk to the village to do a bit of shopping. As I walked up the hill, to my surprise and delight I met the guy behind the door…..the one that featured along with the milk bottle in my blog.  He was most amused when I told him that his door was now famous and featured on my blog! duhh.

From there I made my way, with a silly smile on my face, to the greengrocer.  Imagine my surprise when I got there and found these very early, albeit gorgeous tulips

first blooms of spring....just a shame they are probably 'forced'

The greengrocer’s outside display of vibrant colours, orange, purple, green and yellow fruit and flowers made a very pretty picture

vibrant colours of a pending spring

 and made me realise that indeed, although still a ways off….spring is on the way!!!

colours of the rainbow

oh! and by the way….did I mention that the guy behind the door was rather yummy! 🙂 very english deah! tweed jacket, striped scarf and very lah dee dah! Oh, and I managed to get a peek behind the door before he went in…..I had been dying to see what was behind that door.  Looked very interesting!

After I had made my purchases I decided to walk back via Waterlow Park.  It is quite one of my favourite places in London (of which ther are many).  The view of the London skyline on a clear day is just wonderful.

a distant view of the London skyline from Waterlow Park

The park is looking lovely, everything is so green. I always find the contract between winter in the UK and winter in South Africa to be so amazing.  Here everything stays green right thru winter and back in SA, almost everything turns brown and grey.

There were plenty of people out and about walking through the park and I am pleased to say that the upper duck pond is now free of ice and the birds look at lot happier.

the upper duck pond in Waterlow Park - now free of ice

The day had so far been rather glum and overcast and suddenly at about 2pm the sun burst forth and we were treated to a gorgeous sunset

a vibrant sunset and clear skies on a wintery day in January

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